Our Hampshires
Our Hamp stud established in 1977 on NZ Hamp rams flown over from the Risingholme Stud and ewes from both Senator Cottons Carrington Park Stud and more ewes from NZ. They are bred from four family lines with one outcross line.
Notable homebred sires are Burrandool 5120-1995, Burrandool 5226-1995, Burrandool 9001-1999, Burrandool 3033-2003, Aurora Park 5001-2005, Burrandool 1009-2010, Burrandool 1710-2017, Aurora Park 8020-2018, Burrandool 1072-2021. Notable introduced sires are Pomona 26-1994, Toropuke 4055-1995, Colbion Downs 5-2002.
Breeding using Sheep Genetics services Lambplan, also utilizing Matesel to increase balanced production whilst minimizing inbreeding.
Traits we are specially zoning in on are Lambing Ease, Positive Eye Muscle, Worm Egg Resistance, Shear Force, whilst increasing early growth and reducing adult size.
From a behavioral aspect, all ewes are scored at lambing time on maternal behaviour around the birth site and how they react with the lamb, although they might not be crucial for the commercial breeder who is not keeping their ewe lambs to bred from, we enjoy working with ewes that have a protective and reduce any workload placed on us having to foster a stud lamb to another ewe. Stud lambs are tagged, weighed, scored at birth, weighed at weighing, early post weaning, post weaning and yearling stages.
2024 Australian Champion Ewe
Also awarded Australian Ewe of the Year by AHDBA.

Lambs sired by our Hampshire Down rams have tremendous growth rates, averaging 420grams/day, up to 750 grams a day until market age. Average over the past 10 years.

Our entire stud breeding ewe flock sits in the top 1% of all breeds in Australia for Intra-muscular fat (IMF), also in the top 1% for Shear Force. Both have strong correlation to Eating Quality.
Our Stud Team can advise you on what Rams to select to best match your operation to increase profitability and ease of management.
Call for Inspection Times:
0488 159 853